Tuesday, 11 September 2012

APERTURE [Film Technology]

[Film Technology]

For any  lens, however, the image brightness is the same if the ratio of focal length to lens diameter is the same. This ratio is expressed as the f/Number of the lens and is known as aperture. See also f/number. The amount of light reaching the film is controlled by an iris inside the lens. This aperture is adjusted by turning a ring on the lens barrel. Around the ring indicating the  aperture size, are stop numbers marked f5.6, f8 etc. Alternatively, the almost identical (but more accurate) T numbers are used, indicating the measured amount of transmitted light actually passed by the lens. Opening up the lens to a smaller number increases light reaching the film reduces the depth of field. Stopping down [stop down]to a high number has the reverse effect. See iris, lens barrel, depth of field, stop numbert number, exposure. When focusing a zoom lens, remember that the depth of field decreases as the angle narrows. Check focus before shooting by zooming into the maximum focal length (preferably at maximum aperture) focus, then zooming out and reset aperture for the take. Shapes the exposure.

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