Monday, 10 September 2012

ACOUSTIC SCREEN [Film Technology]

[Film Technology]

Screens may be  introduced both to produce attractive pictures  and  to improve the acoustical quality of staging.. That by their sound absorbent or reflective properties can help to reinforce or isolate sound areas, to enhance acoustical quality. Sound absorbent surface, sound absorbent screen, sound reflective surface, sound reflective screen


ACOUSTICS [Film Technology]

[Film Technology]

Acoustics (Greek, akouein, “to hear”), term sometimes used for the science of sound in general. It is more commonly used for the special branch of that science, architectural acoustics, that deals with the construction of enclosed areas so as to enhance the hearing of speech or music. The acoustics of buildings was an undeveloped aspect of the study of sound until comparatively recent times. The Roman architect Marcus Pollio, who lived during the 1st century BC, made some pertinent observations on the subject and some astute guesses concerning reverberation and sound interference. The scientific aspects of this subject, however, were first thoroughly treated by the American physicist Joseph Henry in 1856 and more fully developed by the American physicist Wallace Sabine in 1900. Acoustics (theatre), the science of sound as applied to theatrical performance. The astonishingly good acoustics of Greek amphitheatres such as that at Epidaurus were developed by trial and error rather than detailed knowledge of physics and mathematics. Indeed, the history of the application of mathematics to the analysis of sound in an enclosed room is less than a century old. The Boston Symphony Hall, built in 1901, was the first auditorium to benefit from the analysis of acoustics by Wallace Clement Sabine. Sabine pointed out that the limited range of the spoken voice, compared to music, may explain in part why theatre has been relatively ignored by acousticians, compared to concert halls. The lack of attention paid to acoustic design and analysis of the theatre is also due to the history and tradition of theatre building which, provided the rules were followed, invariably ensured a successful natural acoustic. Sabine formulated a key equation in acoustics that calculates the reverberation time of an enclosure in the 1920s. Since then, there have been enormous developments in acoustic theory, analysis, and measurement. The study of room acoustics is now a complex, highly mathematical subject. Nevertheless, the essential requirement is simple: that the choice of reverberation time should be carefully selected to suit the intended uses of the auditorium. Theatrical production has special requirements in terms of acoustics. Unlike a seated orchestra, actors move about a wide area, often speaking with their back to the listener. There are also a number of sources of background sound that need to be controlled, in addition to ensuring that the speech on stage is clearly audible—the noise of modern and sophisticated lighting systems and mechanical plant, for example.Modern theatres are invariably expected to be “multi-purpose auditoria”, and have to accommodate anything from wrestling and string quartets to rock music, making the specification of a single, optimum set of acoustic requirements difficult. Another problem is size. Because of their large proportions, these new auditoria rely on sound reinforcement systems. These have evolved from the “assisted resonance” system developed by Peter Parkin and used to good effect in London's Royal Festival Hall in the 1960s. The challenge of the future lies in the possibility of using electro-acoustic reinforcement systems. The use of these remains controversial amongst actors and musicians, but suitably subtle systems may prove to be acceptable to all. 


Can occur as the sound reverberates [reverberation] to and fro between parallel non-absorbent surfaces. Acoustic resonance can be avoided by sound diffusion. This is usually achieved by introducing deliberate irregularities in the surfaces involved. 


ACOUSTIC DESIGN [Film Technology]

acoustic design 
[Film Technology]

     Acoustic design must take into consideration the fact that, in addition to physiological peculiarities of the ear, hearing is complicated by psychological peculiarities. For example, sounds that are unfamiliar seem unnatural. Sound produced in an ordinary room is somewhat modified by reverberations due to reflections from walls and furniture; for this reason, a broadcasting studio should have a normal degree of reverberation to ensure natural reproduction of sound. For the best acoustic qualities, rooms are designed to reflect sound sufficiently strongly to give a natural quality, without introducing excessive reverberation at any frequency, without echoing certain frequencies unnaturally, and without producing undesirable interference effects or distortion. The time required for a sound to diminish to one-millionth of its original intensity is called reverberation time. An appreciable reverberation time improves the acoustic effect, especially for music; in an auditorium a loud sound should still be barely audible for one to two seconds after its source has stopped. In a private home a shorter but still discernible reverberation time is desirable. Accoustic design Materials - To modify the reverberations the architect has two types of materials, sound-absorbent and sound-reflecting, to coat the surfaces of ceilings, walls, and floors. Soft Accoustic design materials such as cork and felt absorb most of the sound that strikes them, although they may reflect some of the low-frequency sounds. Hard Accoustic design materials such as stone and metals reflect most of the sound that strikes them. The acoustics of a large auditorium may be very different when it is full from when it is empty; empty seats reflect sound, whereas an audience absorbs sound. In most cases, the acoustics of a room will be satisfactory if a proper balance between sound-absorbing and sound-reflecting materials is created. Troublesome echoes may frequently occur in a room that otherwise has a proper overall reverberation time if the ceiling or a wall is concave in shape and is highly reflecting; in such cases, sound may be focused at a particular point, making the acoustics bad there. Similarly, a narrow corridor between parallel reflecting walls may trap sound by repeated reflection and cause troublesome echoes, even though the overall absorption is sufficient. Attention must also be given to the elimination of interference. Such interference arises from the difference in the distances traversed by the direct and the reflected sound and produces so-called dead spots, in which certain ranges of frequency are cancelled out. Reproduction of sound[Sound Reproduction] picked up by microphones also requires the elimination of echoes and interference. Accoustic design Insulation - Another important aspect of room acoustics is insulation from unwanted sound. This is obtained by carefully sealing even the smallest openings that can leak sound, by using massive walls, and by building several unconnected walls separated by dead spaces. To evaluate the acoustic properties of rooms and materials, the scientist uses tools such as anechoic chambers and sound-level meters. The anechoic chamber is a room free from echoes and reverberations in which all sound is absorbed by glass-fibre wedges placed on the surfaces of the walls. A sound-level meter measures sound intensity, which is the rate of flow of sound energy and is related to the loudness of a sound. The meter expresses the result in decibels (dB), a logarithmic unit. In a quiet residence the sound-level meter would read about 38 dB. An ordinary conversation would increase the sound-level reading to about 70 dB. The sound intensity of an air-raid siren could reach about 150 dB; that of a jet plane, around 120 dB. When perceived sound intensity is doubled, its power level increases by 10 times, or 10 dB. Loudness levels, which depend upon the judgement of the listener, are measured in units called sones and phons

ACHROMATIC VALUE [Film Technology]

[Film Technology]

A continuous tonal wedge displays a progressive series of tonal values black and white. A step tonal wedge takes regular tonal intervals, and forms tonal blocks, each proportional lighter than one below. This tonal scale can be calibrate for reference purposes. Too many steps would make individual selection and matching difficult. Too few steps would provide only a coarse indication of a system’s reproduction of tonal gradation, where a system cannot reproduce the entire range tonal extremes become merged. 


[Film Technology]

Acetate sheeting is generally preferable, but much more expensive. A stiffer material, it can be used similarly to gelatin. Although, liable to buckle, it can provide a clear image beyond the window. 



Film base by acetate. Below freezing point acetate film stock dries out & becomes progressively brittle and subject to static which on the screen, looks like flashes of lightning streaking across the picture area. Film loading a camera without breaking the film becomes difficult. Below -400 F the speed of the film begins to drop and between  -500 F or -600 F a whole extra stop should be allowed. At these temperatures estar or mylar base film is preferable to acetate stock. 


ACETATE [Film Technology]

[Film Technology]

Refer acetate film stock and Acetate sheet filter. Film base by acetate. Below freezing point acetate film stock dries out & becomes progressively brittle and subject to static which on the screen, looks like flashes of lightning streaking across the picture area. Loading a camera without breaking the film becomes difficult. Below -400 F the speed of the film begins to drop and between  -500 F or -600 F a whole extra stop should be allowed. At these temperatures estar or mylar base film is preferable to acetate. Acetate sheeting is generally preferable, but much more expensive. A stiffer material, it can be used similarly to gelatin. Although, liable to buckle, it can be provide a clear image beyond the window.  Ethanoate or Acetate, a salt or ester of ethanoic acid (acetic acid). The salts are formed by reacting ethanoic acid with a base, such as a metal hydroxide; the esters by reacting the acid with an alcohol. The ester cellulose ethanoate (cellulose acetate), referred to commercially simply as acetate, is used in fabrics, fibres, and films.

ABSTRACT SHADOW [Film Technology]

[Film Technology]

These are the decorative lighting pattern of light and shade; traced by grillers and lattice work, the vague `broken updappling cast by cookies, used for dramatic, decorative and environmental lighting effects. Dramatic lighting effect, dramatic lighting shadow, dramatic shadow, dramatic shadow effect. Decorative lighting effect, decorative lighting pattern, decorative lighting shadow. Environmental lighting effect, environmental lighting shadow, environmental shadow, environmental shadow effect.