Tuesday 11 September 2012

AEROSOL [Film Technology]

[Film Technology]

A fine wax coating sprayed over shine surfaces in which specular reflections appear distracting on camera. The coating diffuses the reflection, but if overdone, may modify the appearance of the subject. Among the cameraman’s problems when shooting interiors particularly on location where the settings are less controllable, are the numerous undesirable flares and reflections that come from polished surfaces, windows, pictures, etc. A dulling spray applied from an aerosol can, may be used to make any shiny surfaces slightly matte. One particular type, marketed under the proprietors brand name of `ANTI-FLARE’ may be used on any type of surface and subsequently rubbed off. It does not kill all the reflections completely but gives them a softer character. It is said to be harmless to all surfaces.

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