Tuesday 11 September 2012

ANIMATION CAMERA [Film Technology]

[Film Technology]

Animation camera incorporates many special features and is capable of greater degree of accuracy in film registration than a normal motion picture camera, even one fitted with registration pins. To ensure optimum flat registration for multiple exposures with the camera running either forward or in reverse, animation cameras are usually fitted with ` bell and howell’ shuttle gate type movements which incorporates permanently fixed pilot pins of exceptional accuracy. The film is advanced from one frame to the next by being lifted off the pilot pins, moved along and lowered again onto the pins. The in short shutter may be adjusted automatically over a period of 6-128 frames either for a fade or for a dissolve. Focus is adjusted automatically. View finding [viewfinder] is rack over by a ground glass viewing screen and viewfinder optical system. The ground glass is accurately marked to match the film aperture. The rear pressure plate is replaced by a rotoscope.

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