Tuesday 11 September 2012


aerial photography
[Film Technology] 

Special cameras are often equipped with several lenses and large film magazines and set in vibration-free mountings on aeroplanes. They are used in extensive land surveys for map-making, for studying the growth of cities for town planning, for detecting traces left by ancient civilizations, and for observing land use and the distribution of animal populations and vegetation. Cameras mounted in satellites [satellite mounted cameras] are also used for such photography. A special application of aerial photography is military surveillance and reconnaissance; some reconnaissance satellites are equipped with cameras having objectives of long focal lengths that produce images, of very high resolution, on which cars, or even smaller objects, can be recognized. Advanced satellite photographic methods, which until recently were used almost exclusively by military, intelligence, and weather agencies, are increasingly being employed by geologists to uncover mineral resources and by news organizations to obtain instantaneous photographs of distant news events.

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