Wednesday 19 September 2012

BROAD SIDE [Film Technology]

[Film Technology] 

(SMALL BROAD). Has a short trough reflector with a linear filament quartz light (tubular quartz light) of (600-1000W)1/2-1kW. Both open lamp and shield light versions are used. The housing often has a two leaf or four leaf barn door shutter to restrict light spread, and can produce a fixed or variable width beam. This type of fitting is light weight and can be used suspended or on floor stands, so it has proved very adaptable on location and in the studio as a `soft light’ source to illuminate confined areas, backgrounds etc. A smaller version (nook light) can be used for very small areas; while a large broad using 2.5 kW lamps, or a double broad (two separately switched 1 kW lamps) are used for larger applications. 1/2-1kW-tubular quartz light. Flaps or barn doors restrict light. Fairly hard light source (lamp shield versions available). Known as broad.

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