Wednesday, 19 September 2012

BRIGHTNESS [Film Technology]

[Film Technology] 

(Luminosity) Simply by varying the total amount of light, while maintaining the proportions of red, green and blue, the brightness of a colour may be changed without affecting the hue or saturation. About one hundred degrees of brightness can be distinguished by the human eyes although the range is considerably widened by the eye’s ability to increase or decrease its sensitivity in high or low light level. One of the three aspects of light. Brightness is the term still widely used to indicate the quality of light received from the subject. One’s subjective impression of the amount of light reflected from surfaces. Often very inaccurate due to psychological effects (adaptation illusion) e.g. pure colour (highly saturated) may be wrongly interpreted as bright. The term luminance is used for accurate measurements of reflected light (in the USA brightness is often used to denote luminance.). Adjustment which controls the average brightness of the displayed picture.

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