Sunday 23 September 2012


Camera check out

[Film Technology]

[1] Preliminary camera check out- Camera switched on, warmed up and lined up ? 

[2] Camera cable.  Are the camera plugs at the camera and wall socket [or equipment] tight ? Is the cable secured to the camera mounting ? Is there sufficient camera cable for camera moves and is it suitably routed ? 

[3] Camera head- Is the pan bar/ panning handle[s] firmly attached and at a comfortable angle ? Unlock the tilt secure control and check the camera head balance. Is it nose or back heavy, or needing readjstment ? Check [and adjust] vertical drag control [tilt friction control. unlock pan secure control] Is the action smooth, with just sufficient friction ? [Adjust horizontal drag control/pan friction control]. 

[4] Column- For a rolling tripod, check column height adjustment. For a pedestal unlock column and raise/lower it. Check the ease of vertical movement[balance] and adjust if necessary. 

[5] Steering [pedestal steering]- Check freedom of movement in all directions, in dolly [tracking] and truck [crab] modes. 

[6] Cable guards- Adjust guards to prevent cable over run or floor scrapping. 

[7]  Camera lens- Remove the lens cap. Switch electrical lens capping out. Check that the lens is clean. 

[8] Viewfinder- Check its focus, brightness, picture contrast, picture shape,[aspect ratio], edge cut-off, image sharpening [crispening]. Are internal indications working[for zooming, f-stop, exposure, etc.] ? Are tally light and indicator cue lamps OK ? Check mixed feeds

[9] Focus- Check focus control smoothness from nearest to furthest distance [infinity]. In a lens servo system, is there any spurious focus over run or hunting[ rhythmical changes] occurring ? Is the zooming action smooth through out ? Focus at the wide angle and narrow angle. Check that focus is contrast through out the zoom range [tracking correctly].

[10] Lens aperture- Check the f-stop number selected during camera line up with chart under standard illumination. [This indicates system’s sensitivity]. 

[11] Zooming- Check zoom meter or zoom indicator. Adjust shot- box, if any, preset angles. Check operation. 

[12] Intercom [talk back circuit]- Check intercom circuits [general and private wire], Is programme sound feed OK ? 

[13] Filters- Check filters [filter wheel], making sure that one is not accidentally left in position. 

[14] Camera cable- Do you have enough cable for the job ? Has the camera cable- compensation control been set to suit the cable length? Are cable joints firmly screwed together ? Route the cable it from feet, vehicles etc. [sling, hide, cover over]. 

[15]  Camera battery- Check that the fitted battery and stand by batteries are fully charged. 

[16] Viewfinder- Is the fitting secure ? Check camera warming lights, including tally light, exposure, low battery. VTR on, tape left etc.. 

[17] Microphone- is the mike secure and functioning ? Check connections. Cables for announcer/ commentator mike.

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