Saturday, 29 September 2012


Cameraman’s exercise
[Film Technology] 

Here is a number of exercise to help practice your camera work. Do them slowly at first, progressing to faster versions later. Doing several operations simultaneously can test the most experienced cameraman.

[1] Pan across a detailed wall surface, at a very constant speed using a wide lens angle, normal lens angle then narrow lens angles. Now slowly tilt up and tilt down, at a constant rate.

[2] Pan across a scene in which a number of objects at different distances from the camera, focusing on each object in turn as you pan (a) stopping at each, (b) in one continuous pan. Try this at different speeds and distances.

[3] Focus hard on a close foreground subject, then tilt or pan to a different subject, pulling focus(focus pulling) [refocusing] as you do so.

[4] Alter your camera height while keeping the subject exactly in center frame. [Make a small mark in the viewfinder at picture centre.] Go from maximum to maximum height at different speeds. Use closer and subjects.

[5] Move the camera towards a subject [dolly in], continuously refocusing for the sharpest image. Use wide lens angle, normal lens angle and narrow lens angles in turn. Try this for various distances, including table top objects. Now practice dollying out similarly.

[6] Move the camera across the scene [truck] from left to right, then from right to left, focusing whatever comes into shot.[objects at various distances.] Do this again, but holding a static subject in center frame.

[7] Arc around a static subject [keeping it center frame], using wide, normal and narrow lens angles.

[8] Take a close shot at a near by subject, tilt up and quickly zoom in to some distant detail without refocusing, this becomes hit-or-miss. Now refocus to distant subject and try again.

[9] Repeat the effect of [5] by zooming instead.

[10] Put a detailed object nearby, then check the maximum focused distance and available depth of field, using wide, normal and narrow lens angles.

[11] With the [10] set up, use various lens angles, and change the camera distance so that the screen image of the subject remains exactly the same size. [Note how other subjects’ proportions change.

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